
Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012

Memaksa User Menggunakan DNS Server Di Mikrotik (Transparans DNS)

Posted by Ichan on 15.28 0 komentar

Pada beberapa kasus, terkadang pengguna / user mengganti DNS secara manual di PC mereka dengan menggunakan DNS selain IP DNS yang telah didaftar kan di server atau router kita. Alasannya bisa banyak hal. tetapi sebagai seorang administrator jaringan terkadang ingin memastikan bahwa client yang di belakang mikrotik tetap menggunakan DNS (domain name system) yang di set pada routernya dan bukan menggunakan DNS lain.

Tetapi jangan khawatir, dengan menggunakan cara ini, clien/pengguna tidak leluasa menggunakan DNS yang mereka inginkan tetapi router atay server kita akan memaksa pengguna untuk menggunakan DNS yang sudah ditetapkan di router mikrotik.

Cara menggunakanya pertama tetapkan IP DNS yang ingin di gunakan, misalnya ;
/ip dns set primary-dns= allow-remote-requests=yes
/ip dns set secondary-dns= allow-remote-requests=yes

Di sini saya menggunakan DNS nawala sebagai DNS default, Selanjutnya client akan di set / forward ke dns yang tadi
/ip firewall nat add chain=dstnat action=redirect to-ports=53 protocol=tcp dst-port=53
/ip firewall nat add chain=dstnat action=redirect to-ports=53 protocol=udp dst-port=53

Dengan kondisi seperti ini maka pengguna walupun mengganti DNS di laptop/komputernya maka akan tetap penggunakan DNS yang di tetapkan di mikrotik. Wassalam


Senin, 21 Mei 2012

Posted by Ichan on 15.13 0 komentar

It's Long time i am never updating my blog, when i am need info about how to configure dns server on windows environment, i found nice article and enough complate for descibing how to configure dns server on windows server. this link where the article i found the writers is fakhrul.

Check this is the material configuration has been posted by him:

DNS (Domain Name System, bahasa Indonesia: Sistem Penamaan Domain) adalah sebuah sistem yang menyimpan informasi tentang nama host maupun nama domain dalam bentuk basis data tersebar (distributed database) di dalam jaringan komputer, misalkan: Internet. DNS menyediakan alamat IP untuk setiap nama host dan mendata setiap server transmisi surat (mail exchange server) yang menerima surat elektronik (email) untuk setiap domain.
Langkah-langkah konfigurasi DNS Server
1. Pertama kita masukkan CD Windows Server 2003 pada CD-ROM
2. Mulai dengan klik start menu
3. Lalu pilih “Control Panel”
4. Kemudian pilih “add or remove programs”. Setelah anda memilih Add or remove a rool, computer akan bekerja dan segera tampil tayangan berikutnya.
5. Tidak lama setelah itu, computer menampilkan semua komponen yang telah diinstall. Lalu kita pilih “add or remove windows components”
6. Pada windows components pilih “Networking services” untuk menginstall apa yang kita butuhkan.,
7. Kemudian pilih “Detail”
8. Pada detail networking services, beri tanda “centang” pada DNS. Kemudian Next untuk melanjutkannya
9. Tunggu beberapa saat supaya computer mencopy file dari Cd. Lalu Finish
10. Setelah DNS diinstall, pilih “DNS” pada “Administrative tools”
11. Setelah tampil klik kanan pada “Forward Lookup Zones”, lalu kita pilih “New Zone…”
12. Klik Next untuk melanjutkannya.
13. Pada “Zone Type” atau Tipe zona, kita pilih “Primary zone”. Lalu klik next untuk keterangan selanjutnya.
14. Setelah itu kita akan mengisi nama zona. Contohnya :
· Zone name :
Lalu klik next lagi.
15. Setelah itu muncul kotak dialog “Zone File”. Kita akan memilih “Create a new file with this file name” untuk membuat file baru dengan nama yang tertera pada bawah option. Setelah itu klik next
16. Pada “Dynamic Update” biarkan saja pilihan kita pada “Do not allow dynamic updates”. Kemudain klik next
17. Setelah semua Complete., klik Finish.
18. Pada folder Forward Lookup Zones telah ada folder sekarang kita akan membuat “Host” pada folder “”
19. Klik kanan pada “”, lalu pilih “New Host(A)…”
20. Lalu kita isi nama dan IP Addressnya. Contoh :
· Name (uses parent domain name if blank) : www
· IP_address :
Setelah diisi, klik “Add Host”. Host pun telah terbuat. Lalu kita akan membuat Alias baru atau pengganti nama dari IP Address menjadi nama server
21. Klik kanan pada “”, lalu pilih “New Alias (CNAME)…”
22. Pada “New Resource Record”, isi nama pada “Alias name (uses parent domain if left blank)”. Lalu klik “Browse untuk mencari host yang telah kita buat sebelumnya tadi. Kemudian klik ok
23. Konfigurasi DNS pun selesai


DNS (Domain Name Server) adalah mentranslate atau mengubah sebuah IP Address menjadi sebuah nama yang disebut dengan Domain, ataupun sebaliknya.

Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

Jobs Description Huwawei Recrutiment

Posted by Ichan on 12.03 0 komentar


This is review and Functional jobs and description when u would like to apply in a corporation

1. Structure Design Planning Engineer
Provide hands on for Site design software, structure & foundation within the responsibility of making & monitoring site design drawing. as well. Site survey is seen as part of the job.

2. Drafter
Familiar with AutoCAD design 3D/2D with responsibility for routine maintenance checking, supervise the construction of diesel generators, and also trouble shooting when necessary.

3. PLN Coordinator
Experienced to PLN application flow, understand the elements of electric power and transformer, well known telecommunication site power system and configuration, also coordination with AKLI for power connection.

4. SITAC Coordinator
Ensure the land acquisition process with the local citizen and district government regulations, able to acquire sites within given deadline and pressures. Strong canon and negotiation skills required.

5. Site Sharing Engineer
Perform acquisition tasks to get permit of sharing-site with operator sharing or to-co sharing. Manage the overall administration process with related tower owner and produce correct documentation to client for approval.

6. Civil Mechanical Electrical Engineer
Responsible for a civil work of BTS construction to meet the customer requirements, has knowledge and experiences in CME field.

7. Material Controller
Must understand all material requirement of a site, tower, shelter and ME, also will conduct checking quality of material in comparison to site design drawing.

8. Project Controller
Assisting project the project target including monitoring and maintain overall process, audit random of site working, also monitoring subcontractor performance.

9. Project Engineer
Cooperate with site teams to make Huawei equipment on air (in service) on time and fulfill customer requirements. Responsible as site engineer including site progress supervision site survey, problem solving and site access solving.

10. RNP Engineer
Involved in RF optimization of existing CDMA. GSM or WCDMA networks as well to be participate in wireless bidding project, conducts survey, design and plan to identify the suitable location of base station and post sales activities.

11. TNP Engineer
You will be responsible for the quality of Microwave Planning including LOS survey, link budget design, MUX planning, frequency planning, TSSR report, and MW swap solution.

12. Microwave Engineer
Hands-on knowledge and experience in the fundamentals of microwave transmission systems, areas and tools of network planning, installation, testing, and commissioning.

13. Wireless Engineer
Manage overall the ITC implementation team and as well to perform post-sales project cementation and technical support for GSM / CDMA/ WCDMA BSS,

14. Legal Specialist
Responsible for legal matters including draft and review commercial contract, agreement, provide legal advice, also for matters that related to industrial dispute, lawsuit and arbitration.

15, Secretary
Responsible for variety of correspondence, report, translate, presentation, organize and maintain files, as well as general affairs.

16. Document Controller I Project Administrator
Perform general administration tasks, monitor subcontractors document progress, verify on the site document content, communication with customer & subcontractor administration team, ensure timely document submission until acceptance certificate by consumer.

17. Managed Service Solution Manager
You will be responsible to design customize managed service solution, to develop business and to deal with high level customer
18. Field Operation Maintenance Manager (Kalimantan)
Responsible for corrective and preventive of field operation

19. Core Network Engineer
You will be responsible for on-site survey, installation, testing, commissioning, maintenance of GSM / CDMA / WCDMA and NGN equipment.

20. Optical Network Engineer
Involve in the technical design of fiber optic transmission, SDH or DWDM network including preparation related to technical proposal, testing & commissioning, site survey, maintenance and trouble shooting.


21. Account Manager
You will be Responsible for the overall customer relationship development.

22. Core Network Technical Sales Manager
You will be perform to support pre-sales activities (incl. responding RFI, RFQ and RFP) of Huawei Core Network products.

23. Senior Channel Sales Manager
You will be responsible to explore telecommunication terminal devices (handset, modem, FWT, etc) business opportunities in open market, partner with distributors.

24. Marketing Manager
You will perform for increasing Huawei terminal devices (handset, modem, FWT, etc) retain sales, market share and promoting Huawei brand.

25. Sales Manager
You will perform and explore telecommunication devices (handset, modem, FWT) business opportunities within operator bundling and open market.

26. Marketing Executive (Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Java)
Monitor and analyze the market changes, product performance and find business opportunities for telecommunication terminal devices.

27. Terminal Technical and Maintenance Engineer
Responsible for technical training of telecommunication devices (handset, modem, FWT, etc)

28. Mobile After Sales Service Engineer (Medan, Surabaya)
Responsible for manage service agency and service centre.

29. VAS Engineer 
Perform for project delivery and maintenance of application and software.

30. HR Manager
You will perform and ensure successful implementation of Human Resources spectrum within delivery & service group

31. Financing Manager
You will responsible for all aspects of financing and collection, including project financing.

32. Sales Management Specialist
You will perform contract review, correspondence, and reports in Mandarin language

Sumber :

Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

Download conveniently via rapidshare

Posted by Ichan on 09.38 0 komentar

who does not know at Mr. Rapid share. Sharing media files hottest virtual world to the present and included in the 20 web portals frequented by onliners around the world after yahoo, google, MSN, and Others (The Magazine Magazine October 2008). In the Portal Hosting this file there are various types of files uploaded by various people, ranging from personal files to a collection of films, or the kind of file that is devoted to file sharing along with the onliners all over the world.

To download a file that exists on the server rapid share, we do not need to register as a member, or in other words, anyone can download files in this sever. but unfortunately share rapid share downloader (people who want to download) into two major parts, namely people who have a premium account of the downloader who register to Rapid share and have to spend some money for the cost of registration for a certain period and downloader free, ie downloader which may be downloaded for free.

So what's in it for the owner of a premium account? obviously there are some advantages possessed by the rapid share account holders. Among them are, the owner of this account if you want to download no need to wait for the link file is on rapidshare due to rapid share will provide a direct link to download the file you want. This is clearly different from the treatment to the downloader rapidshare free account who must wait a few seconds even up to half a day pass depending on traffic management in rapidshare download time. For more details about fitur2 of both types of account please read here.

Of Boring for free if the account owner must wait in a matter of minutes, want to upgrade to premium unfortunately the money! but do not worry, there are simple tips you can do without any software to eliminate the waiting time with the use of java scriipt. did you type the words between the two marks kutib following web address in your browser and press enter "javascript: alert (c = 0)". tara ... waiting time becomes "0". good luck friend ...

Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

The Dude Network Mapping and Monitoring

Posted by Ichan on 08.22 0 komentar

The Dude is a unique network monitor that incorporates an interactive map of your network layout, that helps you visualize the structure of your network and provides direct access to network functions specific to each item. It can automatically discover your local network and draw a preliminary layout that can be further customized and saved. You can manually add items, customize the icons and captions used for each device and connect nodes with lines and other drawing tools. 
The program is free from microtik os and supports various network monitoring tasks from simple ping checks to port probes and service checks. Other features include history logging, outage notifications (email, beep, popup, eventlog), SNMP support, map export to PDF or PNG as well as customizable interface layouts and more. 
For more detail u can see in this document.